Wall Types and Attenuation
The Wall Types and Attenuation map documents wall construction data, obstructions, and attenuation areas to ensure accurate predictive wireless coverage design.

Proposed AP Layout
The Proposed Access Point Layout map provides a detailed visualisation of optimal WAP placements to ensure precise and reliable wireless coverage.

Signal Strength
Signal strength is a fundamental factor in wireless network performance. Weak signals can lead to unstable connections and reduced data rates. A higher signal strength indicates a stronger and more reliable connection.

Tertiary Signal Strength
For optimal location tracking and connectivity, tertiary coverage requires a signal strength of -75 dBm or better from at least three adjacent wireless access points (WAPs). Using professional wireless survey tools like Ekahau Survey Pro, we validate that all areas meet this standard, ensuring reliable real-time location services (RTLS) in line with best-practice enterprise deployments.

Data Rate
The Data Rate map illustrates the estimated communication speed between the client device and the WAP, based on signal strength. Higher values indicate improved data transmission efficiency between the client adapter and the access point.

Associated Access Point
The Associated AP heatmap displays the expected coverage area of an access point at a specified signal strength threshold. This helps identify suboptimal WAP locations or mounting methods, allowing for adjustments to improve AP placement.

Proposed AP Layout
Signal Strength
Data Rate
Associated AP